Menu Bar |
This menu contains the following
Save asà ù saves the
traceroute data (including the WhoIs information for all nodes) to a plain text
Print results ù prints the
traceroute data (including the WhoIs information for all nodes)
Exit ù quits
the program
menu contains the following commands:
Paste ù pastes data from the clipboard to the
address bar
Copy trace to clipboard
ù places the traceroute data (including the WhoIs information
for all nodes) on the Windows clipboard
This menu contains the following
Settings ù brings up
the Options window
The WorkSpace
Settings section contains the items that define the Magic
NetTrace behavior:
Sound effects ù toggles the sound
Check for new versions ù enables/disables automatic
checking for new versions of Magic NetTrace
IE Integration ù
mark this checkbox to add the Magic NetTrace button to the Internet Explorer
Timeout Settings
the drop-down lists in this section to specify how long Magic NetTrace must wait
for reply from the remote hosts.
Report Settings
Add NetWork Query result to
report ù mark this checkbox to include in the report the NetWork WhoIs
information for each node
Add Domain Query result to report
ù mark this checkbox to include in the report the domain WhoIs information for
each node
Cache Settings
this section to specify for how long the cached information will be
Language ù use this menu item to select the Magic NetTrace interface language
This menu contains the following
Register ù brings up
the registration window
Check for new version ù checks whether a new version
of Magic NetTrace is available
About ù displays brief information about the
program and the registration status/info.